PIMSE stands for Partnership In Math and Science Education, and is part of the National Science Foundation’s larger GK12 program. As a PIMSE fellow, I spend 10 hours a week visiting a local school (Oak Middle School in Shrewsbury, MA) and working with teachers and students using the ASSISTments Intelligent Tutoring System. The purpose of the grant is for fellows to be “scientists in the classroom” and get them to better be able to communicate their research to a non-technical audience. Below are pictures and videos related to my activities as a fellow.
Every year, fellows are required to give a presentation on careers in computer science. This presentation must be videotaped and a shortened 10 minute version submitted for evaluation. The above video is of my Fall 2010 presentation. In it, I describe my own journey as a computer scientist, starting with my interest in video games and 3D graphics through my involvement with the robotics team in high school to my internships and my work on ASSISTments.
Giving a presentation on careers in computer science, 2009
Working with one of my partner teachers and another PIMSE fellow
At the 2010 GK12 conference in Washington DC with advisors Neil and Cristina Heffernan and partner teacher Courtney Mulcahy